Graph Analysis Services

A professional online based company that provides an unbiased torque turn interpretation of your graphs based solely on manufacturers specifications.

Why Might You Need an Unbiased Torque Turn Interpretation of Your JAM Graphs?

The report generated by your service providers torque turn monitoring system is vital to understanding what is going on with each joint being run into your well. You have to be certain each one is made up to manufacturer’s specifications so that the optimal sealing point is achieved to prevent leaks. A correct torque turn interpretation of each presented graph is therefore vital to understanding what is being presented. Why go through the expense of paying for premium threaded casing/tubing, only to have an inexperienced operator set you back many hours; if not days?  In the past, you have had to trust the information supplied by your service company representative who is undoubtedly biased and will try to cover up their mistakes……….

How Using Graph Analysis Services Can Help You.

An accurate interpretation of every graph guarantees the success of your casing/tubing string and can save you valuable time against your overall days on well budget. The pool of experienced technicians who can accurately interpret a torque turn graph is getting smaller all the time. As a result of low oil prices recently, many service companies have been forced to slash wages and have lost most of their senior technicians. What this means for you is that the next crew that turns up to run your casing/tubing string will have relatively new operators that can barely read a torque turn graph. When you come to Graph Analysis Services for help however, a fully qualified JAM/torque turn technician with over 15 years of experience will analyze each individual graph. You will then be presented with a non-biased report based on manufacturer’s specifications.

What Can Graph Analysis Services Offer You?

Whether it’s simply looking through your historical files for previously completed wells where problems have suddenly arisen or you need an unbiased torque turn interpretation on a string done quickly, we cater to all your needs. In certain circumstances, we can supply experienced personnel to your location at competitive prices to ensure every premium threaded connection run in hole is done so to manufacturers specification, ensuring the integrity of your string. After every successful analysis of your casing/tubing string by our professional team, a copy of your torque turn graphs including our report will be stored securely on our servers in case of loss.

How to Get in Touch with One of Our Team

You may either send an inquiry Email here and one of our team will get straight back to you or you can simply fill in the form on the right. Please also take the time to download our Customer Checklist and complete as much information as you can. On the order form itself, the packages are straightforward, 1 job is regarded as one pipe size (run) at a single time only per well with a discount for 2 or 3 jobs (max). You will then be sent a confirmation email to say that we have received your request and one of our professional consultants will get in touch directly with you for the checklist and to receive your files to be analyzed. A finalized report will be sent to you shortly afterward.

There really is only one solution to get an accurate and unbiased torque turn interpretation carried out by experienced professionals and that is by contacting us here at Graph Analysis Services today